Hambrook is now 7 Days fishing.
Members we now have 7 day fishing over at Hambrook so please enjoy the Venue and news from Terry the Carp on a sunny warmish day are feeding and a very nice Large hybrid Carp/koi mix was caught in the shallows, so get your nets wet and enjoy a days relaxing fishing at a great […]
Date for the Work partys are as follows Saturday 12th March Please let the Bailiff know or myself either by Email button below or contact us from the Announcements page drop down email link [ms_button style=”3d” link=”https://horizondac.co.uk/#announcements” size=”medium” shape=”rounded” shadow=”no” block=”no” target=”_blank” gradient=”no” color=”” text_color=”#ffffff” icon=”” icon_animation_type=”” border_width=”0″ class=”” id=””]HERE[/ms_button] Email me here by clicking […]

Wetwheels trip 21 January sorry for lack of pictures as I never had my camera but thankfully Dennis took these 3 pictures showing the great day out again. Plenty of Whiting and pouting were caught on the day by all 6 anglers including Dog fish by Brian and what would be called a micro dogfish […]
Our New Website!
Horizon Match/Meetings for 2016 Our first match/meeting will be at THREE OAKS FISHERY at DENMEAD ON: Tuesday 26th January Tuesday 23rd February Tuesday 22nd March All at a reduced rate of £4.00 per peg First Meeting at HAVANT LAKE on: Sunday 7th February First Meeting at Hambrook to be held on: Tuesday 8th March […]