Horizon out on WetWheels 09th June 2018 The day started on the quay side at 07:30 myself & Aaron arrived to see ron already waiting shortly followed by Brian and the banter started from that moment on who will catch and who will blank. Collin was the next avid Angler to turn up and after an age our fearless leader strolled down as if on a shopping trip trolley in hand or i should say pushing his chair.
We set off to get Mackerel as bait from a couple of marks and all feathered up the competition started whilst Dave was still getting ready Collin took over from Fred to catch the first Mackerel followed by dave with a full set of fish 4 Mackerel and 1 Bass that went back promptly with tears rolling down our faces, and dave right back down pulls up a full set of 5 Mackerel and then closely followed by his second Bass( this would never happen if we were keeping them) Aaron pulls a full set of 4 Mackerel to compete with the full string of fish.
On to the Bomber wreck while the tide was running for Ron to catch his first Bass and Pout. still catching one or two Mackerel, we moved on to deeper waters where we had a few nibbles Aaron his first Conger followed by another one while Collin and Dave were setup for catching big fish but nothing till dave felt the slightest of tugs he decided to check the bait and good job as his first and only Ray, a very nice Thorne back ray. nothing much after that so we moved further out giving us the odd pouting but nothing big till Dave caught a nice Conger and a few Dogfish from Collin and Brian, Fred also got in on the Dog fish game with the pouting coming now and then. As the wind and tide were not in our favour(Eastly) we moved for some quick action at the Nab Tower well stub as the tops sadly gone.
The Pouting were coming on every drop and Collin tried one as live bait but ended up catching a huge Wrasse on his 2nd hook to our amazement, Dave fed up of catching Pouting changed to feathers only to continue to hook the pouting (can only catch so many gets boring after a while) Fred Brian and ron catching more and a few Wrasse by Fred Aaron got in on the Pouting and made a killing too. Collin tried his best to catch the big Tope or Bull Huss or Record Bass ha ha but his live pout bait let him down so was let go to live on and grow bigger. The Banter was flying well around the boat and on occasions could really smell the bull strange as we were at sea hmmmmmm. we moved from the Nab to get fresh Mackerel for Brian’s Mary he had orders to bring home the Mackerel and the first spot nothing, second we hit them large Dave showing off once again with 3 on the cheap feathers he acquired from one of those fishing stalls for 50 pence well worth the cost I say…. so to top it all the day was saved by us all so Brian could go home with Mackerel in hand to Mary hey this sound biblical lol nope no wise men near by, But poor Reggie at one point was running to n fro poor bloke was worn out and had a well earned rest to finally eat his dinner.
A Big Thank you
to Skipper Keith for putting us on the fish and to Reggie keeping us well baited up and to some the Ghillie service was provided (no not the shoe lace sighhh) more pictures were needed but alas Dave tried but only managed one or three not the full account he wished for.
WetWheels did it again getting Disabled Sea Anglers out catching Fish and forgetting the pain and discomfort they go through for a few hours to engage in friendly banter and the main “Catch Fish” & have fun The Electric Reel went down well with Aaron and had no trouble bringing in the Congers that tried to pull him in ha ha well done mate. using one made a big difference to being able to fish without help reeling in and the Congers Aaron caught.