Members what your committee has achieved for you over the past year 2016-2017
Well HorizonDac is picking up we have made some great contacts since we took over the running of the committee. And have in such a short amount of time done so much and now have something to show for the 35 years it has been in existence.
With a grant from the Environment agency to clear the site of debris from the bank-side and Island including scrub etc, and turn the island into a safe haven for the resident Swans to lay there eggs.
Phase 2
The Angling Trust were approached for a further grant to pay for phase two of the project to erect Five double swims over the waters edge of the Lake giving rise to Disable Anglers being able to fish the Lake in safety and security all of this has been brought about and 1.5 acre Lake added to Horizon members only list of fishing venues.
We owe the Environment Agency and Angling Trust a great debt of gratitude for granting us the two Grants towards the cost to not only clear the new Lake but to stock it and make it secure from being abused by non members and sad to say Poachers who think it it their right to steal fish and damaging habitat as they do so.
Site Security
The policing of this site has been upgraded to 24/7 with added high tech gadgets that informs the committee within seconds of any breaches on-site by mobile Cool Horizon Angling Club for the Disabled has become hi-tech and out from the dark ages into the modern world without screaming or kicking he he.
Well the Project has been completed and ready for you the Members to fish. The lake still needs work, so more than one Work party will be needed to help clear the debris accumulated over the many years of neglect, even if you can only spare an hour it will help the club and the lake to be a worthy contender to match other venues around and the added bonus it is private only HorizonDac has access rights too fish here. for more info or to log your interest in helping out, please contact us through this link Announcements under work party on the main page or contact us for any other matter by clicking this link Contact Us.