The Future lies within its members so without a strong membership any club cannot survive.
our membership has endured ups and downs as any club but what is to our advantage is we as a club have been around since 1985, so that alone should tell us we as a Team can carry this great Charity formed club forward into the next 30 years or so. looking at what we have as a small club is far more than others we have our own clubhouse maybe a tad small at times when more than a few turn up but it is ours. We have our own fishing rights on two very nice Lakes, we also have a great relationship now with the enviroment Agency who are helping us as much as they can. We have also struck up better relations with the local big fishing clubs and hopeful they will favour helping out A small charity who has to work hard for its funding to the kind businesses and retailers who have help us and will continue to do so in the future.
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