- Brian Receiving his Certificate, not knowing he was going to get a Trophy
- The Look of surprise on Brian's face is Priceless
- Colin Wins the Full members Weight League
- Derek winning the Club Champion Trophy.
- Nice one Derek you deserve it mate
- Colin Runner up in the Full members points League
- Graham Receiving his Certificate and Trophy for winning the Associates Weights League.
- Dave getting his award for the biggest Tench caught in 2016
- Colin getting his award for Full Members Weight League Winner for 2016
- Paul Parkin Winner of the Associate Members Weight League in 2016
- Graham the runner up in the Associates weight league 206
- Graham getting the Trophy for the Huge Specimen Grass carp in 2016
- Graham for getting the best Common Carp (mens) for 2016
- Graham collecting the Award for the Biggest Course fish caught in 2016
- Paul Parkin collecting his award for the Biggest Specimen Roach in 2016
- Paul Parking collcting an Award for the Specimen Crucian Carp caught in 2016
- Dave collecting an Award for the Specimen Smooth Hound in 2016
- Charlie accepting an award on behalf of Clive Baker for the Best Specimen Mirror carp (Men's) in 2016
- Sue Parkin accepting an award for the best Tench in the Ladies Cup
- Claire Axten receiving the award for Biggest Course fish caught (Ladies Cup) in 2016
- Charlie Collecting the award on behalf of Clive Baker for the Biggest Course Fish caught in 2016 (men's)
- Tony collecting the Award for best Game fish caught in 2016
- Sue parkin Collecting the Award for the Best Specimen Small Eyed Ray caught in 2016
- Aaron collecting his Award for the best Specimen Undulate Ray caught in 2016
- Dave Collecting his Award for the Best Specimen Blonde Ray caught in 2016
- Dave collecting the Award for Best Specimen Spur Dog caught in 2016
- sinks in it is his for the Best Specimen Cod caught in 2016
- Steve Rackett Accepting the Award Most Inspiring Angler of 2016 selected by the Committee each year for those who inspire within the Club full or Associate members can be put forward for this award.