Please take five minutes to look at our Sponsors Here!
To All Members :
Stroud Mead
This can be booked by going through Sue O’Donnell. Sue holds the flags and gate fobs for all the members.
Tony has requested all Anglers will need to bring their own toilet roll and hand sanitizer for the onsite Portaloo. This is your responsibility as none will be provided by him at this present time.
On another note it would be appreciated if all outstanding subs are paid immediately. We now have the facility to accept BAC’s payments therefore these can be paid directly in to the Horizon Account, and the details I have listed below. Once payment is received a new membership card will then be issued. If you choose to drop off a payment then please phone or text Sue beforehand and we will ensure the card is ready for you.
Please note that none of the Fishing Venues can be visited if your membership has not been updated.
Bank Name: HSBC
Account Name: Horizon Angling Club
Account Number: 92130750
Sort code: 40-21-03
Reference: Please quote your name.
HorizonDAC Committee 13/05/2020
Members the time of year brings not only the late start of the season but membership fee’s are due and if you can please send either a cheque to the secretary or to Dave or contact Sue for BAC’s details please, if you require an extension please see Andy or Dave or contact them by email from the links on the Our Team page please be prompt with the fees so we can issue the latest cards for this season or you will miss out on any reductions we have including access to our own lakes as old cards will no work after 1st April.
Membership fees need to be paid before you can take part in the Clubs activities or facilities
Match meetings, like in the case of all other sporting events around the country, our match scene is cancelled due to risks associated with Corona Virus as a club we cannot guarantee that we could keep you and our volunteers safe at Matches so the committee have taken the side of caution and gov advice and cancelled all match meetings till we can safely achieve safety for our members, Please follow the Gov advice and stay indoors where it is safe and take this time to clean your gear ready for the time we can resume the sport we love so much.
Match organiser M Waite.
Michael Palmer Memorial Match held on the 27th August 2019 at Hambrook was a good turn out thank you all who supported this important Match the club remembers Michael and Pam who turned up and was pleased with the turnout. Thank you all who came and to the winner Mr Michael Longley with an astounding 82 lb and Runner Up with a respectable 46lb Mr Mike Phillips.
thank you the Committee.
The Syndicate Lake now has its gates in operation so anyone fishing outside the farms working Hours will now need a Key Fob to open the security gates, those who wish to now fish the lake your details will need to be placed in the Security Log and flag with allocated fob will be handed out only after a refundable deposit given for the safe return of the Key fob and Flag the following Thursday.
Membership fees need to be paid before you can take part in the Clubs activities, please be advised the end of April is the cut off point after that we will be asking for the £10 rejoining fee.
Anyone wishing to help further within the Club should speak to a committee member, as various posts are available in the sub and main Committee status. Volunteers are always welcome from outside of the club if anyone finds they have a spare few hours and enjoy Angling or just have time to help with Admin duties, please contact Dave [ms_button style=”normal” link=”” size=”small” shape=”” shadow=”no” block=”no” target=”_self” gradient=”no” color=”” text_color=”#ffffff” icon=”” icon_animation_type=”” border_width=”0″ class=”” id=””]Click Me![/ms_button]
Anyone wishing to help with the design and updating of the clubs website please speak to Dave or use the contact section below anyone outside of the club who may wish to make there stamp in the digital world with expertise in WordPress css and php who wish to help get in touch
Raffle Winners can be found by clicking [ms_button style=”normal” link=”” size=”small” shape=”” shadow=”no” block=”no” target=”_new” gradient=”no” color=”#1c23dd” text_color=”#ffffff” icon=”” icon_animation_type=”” border_width=”0″ class=”” id=””]Here![/ms_button]
The next weekend work party TBA for Summer August 2020
Hopefully we can get some positive support ???over this and winter months to remove weed, Lillie’s and do some work on the swim/pegs so they can be clear and free of debris and long grass so we can all use them. Those willing to help out can you please let Andy or Sue know of your interest as if we fail to get enough support we WILL have to employ persons to do so and add the costs to the membership fee’s as these are your waters and they need upkeep to make them enjoyable to all so Please stand up and help us make it work for us all to enjoy. The Usual Bacon rolls (if enough members commit and let us know and turn up) and Tea/Coffee or cold refreshments for those who take part.
Also a work Party to clean and clear out the Clubs sheds will be needed all those who wish to help please see any committee member or Andy and Sue down the clubhouse, Volunteers will be needed to paint and fix the flooring on the new Shed.
Those willing to give up some time to support your clubs waters will be gratefully received, the Usual Bacon rolls (if enough members commit and let us know and turn up) and Tea/Coffee or cold refreshments for those who take part. we don’t expect miracles just a small amount what ever you can manage as every little bit counts and less for others to do. if you can let the Club chairman know by clicking [ms_button style=”normal” link=”” size=”small” shape=”” shadow=”no” block=”no” target=”_self” gradient=”no” color=”” text_color=”#ffffff” icon=”” icon_animation_type=”” border_width=”0″ class=”” id=””]Here![/ms_button]
We wish to thank all those who supported the Project on the Lakes the addition of fish predation islands and Marginal Islands have made a big difference to our lakes adding oxygenating plants on coir matting that will provide a haven for fish cover and bug life to thrive, A web page will be added ASAP with updated pictures of the growth of the matting’s etc.
A very big thanks to Arun Skyrme’s and his volunteer mate along with Sue the associate rep for mowing (it was very Hot) and strimming between pegs while lockdown is in operation keeping the place tidy, if anyone is willing to assist in the ongoing site maintenance please contact Andy (chairman) or Sue details can be found here
Members and Viewers alike please take the time to support us by clicking our sponsor link on the main section above or from the menu links along the top as it helps keep this website going and hope to support what we are all about .