Gone are the days when charities were being given donations regularly Sponsors are essential for us to manage the work we do. Fundraising today requires unlimited free time from our volunteers this is a hard process to do as most work full time. So asking you to visit our sponsors helps highlight who supports us by giving time or services along with materials. Please take five minutes to look at our Sponsors by clicking on the button below.
Remember to please take the time to clean your nets, unhooking mats, and weigh slings before using at our waters or going to any other fishery, as we all should be doing anyway dry gear means better fishing So I am sure you wish to support good fishing practices and maintain a healthy sport for the future.
HorizonDAC Committee.
It’s an approach that brings together the best of membership planning and the best of club management.
To help further within the Club and make a difference you should speak to a committee member, as various posts are available in the sub and main Committee status. Volunteers are always welcome from outside of the club if anyone finds they have a spare few hours and enjoy Angling or just have time to help with Admin duties, please contact anyone on the committee by clicking the button below!
Anyone wishing to help with the design and updating of the clubs' website please speak to Dave or use the contact button on the right anyone outside of the club who may wish to make there stamp in the digital world with expertise in WordPress css and php who wish to help get in touch.
Those willing to help out can you please let Andy, Sue, or Steve know of your interest if we fail to get enough support we WILL have to employ persons to do the work and add the costs to the membership fee’s as these are your waters and they need upkeep to make them enjoyable to all so Please stand up and help us make it work for us all to enjoy. The Usual Bacon rolls (are out as not enough commitment) Tea/Coffee or cold refreshments for those who take part.
A Work Party to clean and clear out the Clubs sheds will be needed all those who wish to help please see any committee member or Andy, Sue, or Steve down the clubhouse, Volunteers will be needed to paint and fix the flooring on the new Shed.
Those willing to give up some time to support your club’s waters will be gratefully received, the Usual Tea/Coffee or cold refreshments for those who take part. we don’t expect miracles just a small amount whatever you can manage as every little bit counts and less for others to do. if you can let the Club chairman know by clicking