Horizon Angling Club for the Disabled

Horizon Match Meeting report   Hambrook 8th March

Members awoke to a second consecutive sharp frost before they set off to Hambrook for Round 4 of this year’s match meetings. 5 anglers, Dave, Denis, Aaron, Colin and Derek all took up swims at the top end of the lake. Conditions were very soggy underfoot and both Dave and Aaron in their wheeled vehicles found it difficult to get across the relatively short section of grass to the lake itself. However with a little help here and there everyone was in position to start fishing.

Feeder tactics seemed the order of the day initially with a variety of hook baits. Sadly the carp were not in a feeding mood and bites were hard to come by, maybe down to the drop in temperature. Derek alternated between method feeder and a pole approach which resulted in regular bites and eleven perch to worm and maggots on the pole. These were the only fish of the day. Denis, reported a few knocks on his feeder rod later on and Colin’s float went off and under but unfortunately didn’t manage to hook the fish. Denny came along to see how everyone was doing in the afternoon. Colin lost his footing and very nearly became the first to go in the water this year. The under foot conditions made life tricky at Hambrook especially when trying to get Dave and Aaron back to the car park and thanks to those who assisted with that. Hopefully the ground will be better when we next go to Hambrook on 12th April.

Aaron and Derek top the Full Members League with 14 points each with Colin 3rd on 9 pts. Denis B is still way out in front in the Associate Members League with 28 pts with Graham T on 9 pts.

The next Match Meeting 5 is at Three Oaks on Tuesday March 22nd

I look forward to a good turnout for that one

Cheers and Tight Lines

Derek Wood

Match Organiser, Horizon Angling Club for the Disabled


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