Trophy Awards Dinner for season 2018
The 2018 trophy awards night went great it was a good turn out even though Brian and his Family could not attend due to a Family Issues and our thoughts go out to them at their time of need. other than that the evening went down with good food by the resident catering staff (Sam did us proud) not one complaint all were well fed and in good form laughing and joking along as the evening went through the long list of Trophy’s.
Due to Derek stepping down Sue and Fred took charge and delivered a great presentation and along with Fred handing out the Trophy’s with cheers and geering from the baying crowd who took great pleasure in clapping and giving friendly Banter as the members receiving the awards.
I would like to thank Mrs Karen Robinson who made the wonderful cake that was enormous and very tasty (yeah i had 1 or 3 slices)
the hall was near to capacity in the numbers of members attending might have to watch the numbers as getting a popular event for HorizonDAC