Horizon Angling Club for the Disabled

Graham Titheridge Our thoughts go out to Heather as Graham is in East Hill House in Liss, he is up to visitors and would appreciate them if you have some time free. visitors are welcomed. Dr’s have a diagnosis and sadly Diagnosed Alzheimer’s frontal lobe type. Wish Graham or Heather by using the button here [ms_button style=”3d” link=”mailto:ht59@talktalk.net?subject=best Wishes” size=”small” shape=”” shadow=”no” block=”no” target=”_self” gradient=”no” color=”#1e73be” text_color=”#ffffff” icon=”” icon_animation_type=”wobble” border_width=”0″ class=”” id=””]Click Me[/ms_button]

Tony Hancock Tony has made a good recovery and has been on the bank chatting to a few Anglers, hope this is the continuation of his recovery. …. keep it up Tony  [ms_button style=”3d” link=”mailto:hancocks10@talktalk.net?subject=best Wishes” size=”small” shape=”” shadow=”no” block=”no” target=”_self” gradient=”no” color=”#1e73be” text_color=”#ffffff” icon=”” icon_animation_type=”wobble” border_width=”0″ class=”” id=””]Click Me[/ms_button]

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