Horizon Angling Club for the Disabled

The intrepid six from Horizon Angling Club set out on a windy,cloudy day with Mr Google promising a change later.First order of the day was trying for Mackerel but first fish was a small bass for DaveG. A couple of moves found Dave catching another bass and also a Pollack. One or two Mackerel later we moved to our fishing spot near Banbridge. The dogfish soon found our baits with Sue P finding greatest success. The new Electronic reel was well rested and enjoyed. Sue then caught an Undulate Ray before we tried a move.The sea was quite lumpy,but fishable. Jan then came to the party with a nice Thornback. All these fish were interrupted with more doggies but no other species.Final tally was Dave G winning the day followed closely behind was Sue P rest of the positions have has logged on a chart. A massive thanks to Chris who created at short notice and Keith for again providing an enjoyable outing.
Sent on the move.Hon TreasurerHorizon Angling Club For The Disabled. Charity #1072157

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